Keto Diet Foods: A Comprehensive Guide to Eating Keto in Montreal

The ketogenic diet has been gaining a lot of popularity in recent years. This diet is a low-carb, high-fat diet which aims to encourage the body to burn fats as its primary fuel source. It’s important to note that you need to be very strict about how much carbs you eat and eat lots of healthy fats and protein. Here are some keto friendly foods that will make it easier for you to live and eat keto in Montreal!

What is the keto diet?

The ketogenic diet is a very strict diet where fats are made to be used as energy by the body. Without carbohydrates, your body will have to burn fat, and there’s much less sugar and carbs to dispose of. The ketogenic diet is not a health food, and people with diabetes and cancer are advised to stay away from it. However, if you’re trying to eat healthier, you could try incorporating some keto friendly foods into your everyday diet!

Some of the things that you can eat on the keto diet include:

Vegetables, such as broccoli









Sunflower seeds


Whole grains

You can eat these foods as much as you like, as long as you eat moderate portions.

How do you eat keto in Montreal?

In a nutshell, you need to follow the 5 K diet in order to burn fat and reduce hunger. Follow these five steps to shed off the fat and achieve an amazing weight loss:

Cut out all carbs: All carbs should be cut out of your diet to prevent your body from breaking down sugar for energy. Carbohydrates, such as rice, bread, and pasta should be restricted to a maximum of 30 grams a day.

All carbs should be cut out of your diet to prevent your body from breaking down sugar for energy. Carbohydrates, such as rice, bread, and pasta should be restricted to a maximum of 30 grams a day. Eat fats: As a fat source, choose low-fat or non-fat foods. You should aim for 1-2 ounces of fat a day. This will help you stick to your weight loss target and prevent you from binge eating.

Keto-friendly meals that are easy to make

A few snacks to start you off!

Ketogenic meals that are full of fibre


It’s very important to eat enough fat on this diet. According to the NHS, 20g of fat per day is the ideal amount to consume. To help ensure this you should try to eat grass-fed butter, or coconut oil, and extra nuts, seeds, avocado, fatty fish, and eggs. There’s also the option to add some butter or coconut oil into your cooking. Most keto recipes require no added oil so you don’t need to worry about food spoilage.

A keto inspired meal plan for an active lifestyle

Plants and veggies for keto

You don’t need to cut out your carbs all together but you should try to steer clear of processed or refined foods.

Keto-friendly snacks that are easy to find

Berries, including raspberries and blackberries, are excellent options for snacks, as they are high in fiber and very low in carbs. A serving of raspberries is only 6 grams, while a serving of blackberries is only 4 grams. Both of these berries are available in Montreal and are often available at local grocery stores and natural foods stores. If you are worried about finding berry-flavored keto snacks, check out this list of keto-friendly snacks!

Low-fat peanut butter and other nuts are also great options for keto friendly snacks. A quarter cup serving of almonds (12 grams of carbs) and a peanut butter (11 grams of carbs) is less than a serving of low fat yogurt (28 grams of carbs) and would have much less impact on your keto diet.


There you have it, our guide to eating keto in Montreal. If you want to eat keto in Montreal and still live your best life, remember that you’re more than welcome to ask any questions you have, and we would love to answer them for you. You can also drop by and check out all of our healthy, keto friendly recipes here!