WRITE FOR US guide lines:
Thanks for your interest in “Write for us” for www.inziworld.com
- Your article must contain 700+ words. The format of your article must use proper headings and paragraph tags.
- If you are sending your article on the given mail for post kindly attached images also with the full-text file.
- You just need to send your fresh content with images at stylishboy7584@gmail.com to post and get a do-follow, live, and indexed link.
Rejection of Articles
- The content you want to post on www.inziworld.com should be Unique / Own content.
- Copied or Spin content not allowed to post.
- Content without feature image
- Any irrelevant link will be removed.
- Any adult or spam content is not allowed.
- We do not accept gambling, casino, spam, or batting content.
What benefits will you get?
- The writer will get the full credit for the post
- If you make more than one post your every post will be featured and published with your introduction and a backlink of your site or blog
- Reputation building
- You get 1 dofollow link
- Writers will get a judgment from a number of bloggers all around the world on their writing knowledge