automated calling service

The Benefits of an Auto Dialer in Sales

An automated calling service gives life to the age-old adage – time is money. The reason businesses invest in automation today is because it saves time on daily operations by taking over manual tasks. The time saved results in money earned. 

When it comes to dialling prospects, the time taken to dial a phone number might just be a few seconds, sure, but these seconds add up as a sales rep continues to call prospects throughout the day. It’s not just the time taken to dial a number, but the time taken for the call to connect, for the rep to identify if the call rings or goes to a voice message, and for the call to be received. You can see how a sales rep can end up spending valuable time sometimes without even talking to a prospective customer.

What is an Auto Dialer?

An auto dialer is a feature of automated calling service. It solves the aforementioned issue by automating the entire process of dialling customers and eliminating any time consuming manual processes. The auto dialler uses a progressive dialer to dial each number on a list. It has the capability to identify if the call is engaged, on-hold, or ringing can identify if the call goes to a voice message and if the call has been received. 

The call is routed to a sales rep only when it is answered. This saves the sales rep an enormous amount of time they would have otherwise spent dialling a number and then waiting for the customer to receive the call.

Benefits of an Automated Outbound Call Software in Sales

1. Saves time

An automated calling service saves the sales team time by taking over manual tasks involved in making sales calls. It not only dials numbers progressively from a list, but it can also identify if the customer has received the call and only then routes it to an agent. This allows agents to focus on the call and their customers rather than on time-consuming manual tasks.

2. Increases call connections per sales rep

Sales agents end up being more productive when the business uses automated outbound call software. Since the software can identify between answered and unanswered calls, the agents only engage with calls that connect with a customer and end up talking to more customers at the end of the day resulting in more conversions.

3. Increases customer engagement

Some automated outbound call software come with automated outbound IVR that enables teams to automatically connect with customers on multiple channels like email, SMS and automated calls to notify them about sales, services, due dates, etc. Automating this process frees up the time of sales reps and gets more customer engagement.

4. Improve operational processes through customer feedback

An automated calling service automates the process of collecting customer feedback. As soon as a sales call is completed, the software takes over and walks the customer through a predefined path collecting their responses that you can later use to improve processes.

5. Better tracking of call data

The automated outbound call software tracks details of every call – whether it was answered, was missed, went to voice mail, etc. When integrated with a CRM, the software can provide useful and actionable insights that help sales teams better nurture leads and convert them to customers. 


An automated outbound call software is designed to help teams get the best out of their cold calls and telephony communication. The one department in every organization that spends a majority of its time on phone calls is sales. Giving them the power of features like an auto dialer, automated outbound IVR, automated text messages, call recording, call information tracking, etc., will greatly increase their efficiency and output, which translates to more sales and revenue for the company.

If you’re contemplating implementing an automated calling service, trying one for free will better help you experience its power first-hand. Knowlarity has a great product that comes with a free trial and is worth checking out.