What is NOC Engineer Roles and Responsibilities?

The Network Operations Center (NOC) is a central point where IT teams can monitor network performance at an ongoing level. NOC is the first line of defense against network interference and failure.

Through NOC, organizations have a detailed description of their network so that they can identify what is wrong and take action to prevent or solve the problem quickly. Network Operations Center (NOC) takes care of hardware and software (from wiring to servers), wireless systems, databases, firewalls, various network devices (including IoT devices and smartphones), communications, dashboards and reports. Management services include customer service monitoring and call center ticketing systems, as well as integration with customer internet devices, while NOC plays an important role in providing a better customer experience.

NOC can be built in-house and distributed on site, usually in a data center, or shipped to a remote network of specialist network and infrastructure management and management. Despite the work, the NOC team is responsible for finding problems and making quick decisions about their solutions.

What is the purpose of NOC?

In short, all NOCs are designed to maintain maximum network access and access, as well as to ensure voltage time stability. The NOC controls many important practices, including:

  • Search the internet for issues that require special attention, including problems from sources.
  • Manage servers, networks, and devices, including software installations, updates, troubleshooting and device installation.
  • Behavioral feedback, including managing crime and communication lines.
  • Security, including threat monitoring, surveillance and mobility, as well as security deployment.
  • Backup and security;
  • Email, voice and video data management.
  • patch control.
  • Firewall control and anti-virus system as well as anti-virus support.
  • law enforcement.
  • Improve performance through feedback and team feedback.
  • Next level agreement.
  • The seller, depending on the team and contract management.

Network management and monitoring could not be implemented. Complex network teams are now growing – companies around the world, staff working from home and many other devices need to be managed and managed.

User noise, website traffic and malware can affect the performance of your entire network, so the problem can be caused almost anywhere. Even small things seem to lead to a middle ground, which can hinder customer production and satisfaction.

What is a NOC Engineer main Role?

Within NOC you will find a team of technicians – engineers, supervisors or NOC employees – as well as many team leaders or liquidators. The NOC team needs specialized knowledge to monitor, set up and solve high-speed network performance. The level of knowledge exceeds the level of knowledge of unparalleled IT professionals. NOC technicians generally have relevant work experience, especially in network and device management. Many also have postgraduate studies in this field.

Because a large group focuses only on network performance, which is not possible for many small businesses, other providers also offer NOC services as an alternative to Network Operations Center (NOC) buildings.

NOC engineering Roles and Responsibilities:

NOC Engineering performs a number of actions to achieve its main purpose of monitoring and solving computer and network problems in the system. We look at various job announcements to determine the role and responsibilities of NOC engineers.

Monitor systems

NOC engineers use a variety of applications to evaluate the performance and capabilities of computer systems. They require hardware, software and environmental standards, otherwise they will not work. After identifying the problem, NOC engineers worked to determine the cause of the problem.

Problem solving

If the dispute affects IT services, the NOC engineer will work to diagnose or resolve the dispute, if possible. NOCs usually have a standard procedure followed by NOC engineers.

Track all issues

In responding to the event, the NOC engineer should carefully review & document all the problems and solve the problem. This increases the NOC knowledge base and records the status of the system. NOC usually has a ticket system that the NOC engineer is responsible for update records about tickets.

Report Incidents

If the problems are large or complex to solve quickly, Network Operations Center (NOC) engineers should extend the case to management, other IT infrastructure, or others to help find a solution. NOC engineers keep track of ongoing communications within and outside the team to ensure all stakeholders are aware of key issues and actions.

Strong research thinkers with a keen interest in problem solving, successful NOC engineers who thrive in a highly dynamic environment. NOC engineers can monitor the situation, determine the direction of future action and lead someone to implement a strategic plan. In addition to general skills and personalities, employers are also looking for those who need to have these skills for NOC Engineering.


Based on our to-do list, NOC engineers want engineers with these basic skills. If you want to work as a NOC engineer, focus on the following.

  • Experience managing, setting up and setting up a network
  • Server or network level, applications or problems that are difficult to diagnose
  • Understanding common office rules
  • Knowledge of time management and organization, as well as the ability to manage many tasks and tasks with minimal supervision
  • Knowledge of project management systems and processes
  • Good communication and writing skills and the ability to resolve disagreements with others effectively
  • Planning for disaster recovery and recovery and related technologies
  • Ability to implement change processes
  • Higher Education: While most employers do not want these skills, they are at the top of many job postings. Add them to your NOC Engineer task box and expand your job opportunities.
  • Experience in large distribution or production environments
  • Past experience in customer service or customer service

Requirements for NOC Engineer:

  • Bachelor of Computer Science, Computer Engineering or similar field.
  • Extensive experience as a NOC engineer.
  • Experience in network hardware distribution, management and troubleshooting.
  • Knowledge of distributed hardware systems, including Dell Blade, UCS, and HP.
  • Problem solving skills are good.
  • Ability to work flexible hours.
  • Good writing skills and communication skills.
  • Advanced project management knowledge.
  • Ability to work effectively under pressure.