Ensuring its success in e-commerce requires optimizing its website. Online store as much as possible in order to boost the number of its customers and sales. Whatever the nature of the products or services you want to sell online. It is always necessary to give importance to all the details, even the simplest. In particular the visuals of the product sheets.
Engaging more prospects, building customer loyalty, improving its natural referencing, and developing its turnover requires the enhancement of product amazon image requirements. Do you want to seduce your customers through the product sheets? So do not neglect the visuals of your products because, ultimately, when buying on the internet. It is first and foremost the visual that serves as a purchase trigger!
Why give importance to product visuals?
Images have the power to fascinate, inspire, woo customers and even change the way they view the products you sell! Optimizing the visual of the cards is also essential to guarantee better referencing on search engines like Google.
Optimizing the product visual is the best way to facilitate Internet users’ access to all the products you offer.
How to improve product visuals?
The web in general is a pretty powerful tool for selling online and for effective marketing. It is essential to take advantage of this fairly important leverage. Billions of people log into. The Marketplace to shop online every day. To stand out and stand out against your competitors, it is necessary not only to properly complete your product sheets. But also to give importance to the visuals and images of the products available on your online store.
In order to have the best possible chances, the photos you should choose should be clear. Perfectly representing the product and if possible they should also highlight an advantageous detail of the product in question.
For example, if your product has specificity in terms of design or a technical element. Your main visual must highlight this aspect so that an Internet user is able to identify it at first glance. Thus we stand out from the competition which would sell a similar product but less well promoted.
Some general rules to follow
Be careful not to present visuals that are too heavy (greater than 500kb). Because they will be displayed less quickly and you risk increasing your bounce rate. Of course, this scenario is only to be taken into consideration in the case of a private label site. Because most Marketplaces compress images in order to harmonize their size and weight.
Above all, avoid blurry and very low-quality images that do not make you want to buy. Just as you won’t buy a product that you can’t see properly. As careful as possible with the definition of your images.
Opt for white or neutral backgrounds which bring a lower cognitive load than darker backgrounds.
If possible, do not overload your visuals with elements such as pictograms or other logos. Prefer to mention this information in the product description and keep the visual as “clean” as possible.
Perfect optimization of the product visual
As seen above, always think about choosing visuals that highlight the strengths of your products. Each product sheet accompanied by a quality visual, must arouse the envy of potential buyers and attract their attention. The better the visual, the clearer the description and the more your chances of selling.
The eye is always drawn to appearances, all potential buyers look first at the photos through the product sheets. Never forget that your product visuals will represent your brand image to Internet users; hence the importance of treating her in order to establish a feeling of reassurance.
The most viewed product sheets are those that present excellent quality photos. It is for this reason that the visual must present the details and some important characteristics to highlight the product.
Photos of your products make it more attractive to search your online store, a way to sell more products. Also, in the case of a private label site, entering the alt tag of your images is a very good way to optimize SEO.
We advise you to also read this article to determine the most relevant content for your product sheets. Efficiently select the content of product sheets